Regionale PlattformenGOMIAMGOMIAM is a knowledge network on small-scale gold mining and social conflicts in the Amazon.
Gold Routes – Las Rutas del OroWeb documentary about the routes of gold in five Latin American countries.
Reports on gold mining in Peru Cremers, Leontien et al.: Small-scale Gold Mining in the Amazon. The cases of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Suriname, 2013
SwissaidGold in Switzerland and Certification Schemes As the New Gold Rush, 2015
Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA)
La realidad de la minería illegal en países amazonicos, 2014
Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA)
Las rutas del oro ilegal: estudios de caso en cinco países amazónicos, 2015
Society for Threatened Peoples (STP)The responsibility of the gold refineries in human rights violation and illegal activities in Peru, 2014
Risk Analysis of Indicators of Forced Labor and Human Trafficking in Illegal Gold Mining in Peru, 2013
Initiativen für verantwortungsvolle Rohstoffgewinnung
Berne DeclarationBerne Declaration (EVB) are advocating for a supervisory authority to combat the regulatory lacuna in the commodities sector.
Society for Threatened Peoples (STP)
Society For Threatened Peoples (STP) is a NGO and human rights organization. With their campaign "No dirty gold" they want to take the gold industry in obligation for responsible business.
SwissaidSwissaid is one of Switzerland's leading aid organizations, also active in the commodities sector.
Swiss Better Gold Association (SBGA)Swiss Better Gold Association (SBGA) is a non-for-profit association created by Swiss players of the gold supply chain, from refiners to retailers. SBGA's aim is to create a simple market driven mechanism that enables formalized gold mining entities to adopt more socially inclusive and better environmental practices.
ZertifizierungsmodiAlliance for responsible mining (ARM)Alliance for responsible mining (ARM) seeks for transforming the Artisanal and Small-scale mining in a formalized, organized and profitable activity that uses efficient technologies and is socially and environmentally responsible. The ARM-system is comparable to the Fairtrade system.
Fairtrade goldFairtrade gold is a ground-breaking initiative that offers a lifeline to poor and exploited small-scale miners around the world guaranteeing a minimal prize as well as a Fairtrade Premium for responsible mined gold. It links consumers of jewelry with the source of their purchase. Fairtrade gold is comparable to ARM-Gold.